Reframe your fitness, own your schedule.

 Take Charge of your life, time to put yourself back into your schedule. creating strength within your movement to improve your day-to-day life.  together let's Reframe fitness! 

The New! Online Membership to workout when you want, where you want while having the community, support, AND even MORE Accountability! 

Schedule your Discovery call

Why choose Positively Fitt for your at-home training?

Accountabiity, Energy, Personal-Care, Modifications, Education

Get started!

Per Month
Customized 6-week goal setting
New weekly workouts
Your own member portal and easy to use app
Personalized weekly check-ins with Chrissy

Yes! I'm Ready!

Let's Do This!

Per Month
Customized 6-week goal setting
New weekly workouts
Your own member portal and easy to use app
Personalized weekly check-ins with Chrissy
Private FB group
2–30-minute group zoom calls (recorded if you cannot make it live.)

Yes! Let's Go!

Any Questions?

Let's connect to answer all your questions.